Sunday, April 20, 2008

How To Cut A Pineapple


Sharp knife
Cutting board
Place the pineapple on its side on the cutting board and remove the stalk.
Cut off the top of the pineapple.
Cut off the bottom of the pineapple.
Stand the pineapple on its side and cut the skin off of the sides in strips.
Continue cutting strips around the pineapple until you have cut all of the skin off of it.
You should now be left with a cylinder of pineapple flesh. Mmmmmm, yummy. Depending on how close you sliced when removing the skin you will most likely have some divits left, you can remove these with a mellon baller or potato peeler easily.
Place the pineapple on its side and begin cutting slices. The thickness is up to you.
Work your way down the pineapple until the entire thing has been sliced up.
Taking a slice firmly in your hand, begin cutting around the core. Some pineapples have soft cores that can be eaten, but most of the time it will be pretty hard.
Depending on the knife you use it will be easier to cut by either 'sawing' or by 'stabbing' your way around the core, the method shown here is 'stabbing'.
Once you've cut all the way around the core, use your fingers to dislodge it and voila! You're all done, time to enjoy!

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